• 描述
    The Long Term Team
    bet8集团的核心团队来自于招商银行 、腾讯 、平安银行 ;拥有丰富的金融工作经验 ,为您提供专业 、高效的投 、融资服务 。
    The Long-Term team has a diverse background, with members coming from CMB, Tencent, and PAB. Our expertise in investment and financing will help you invest in a challenging time in China.
    郭文俊 Guo Wenjun
    bet8集团创始人 Founder of Long-Term Group
    本科 、硕士毕业于武汉大学 ,拥有13年商业银行经验 ,无一单不良资产 。精通各类投 、融资产品 ,拥有丰富的团队管理经验 ,投融资规模超千亿 。曾任招商银行深圳分行房地产金融部副总经理 ;招商银行深圳东门支行副行长 、泰然支行行长 ;2018年创立bet8集团 。
    Graduated from Wuhan University School of Economics and Management with a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree, Mr. Guo has 13 years of commercial banking experience. He managed a loan portfolio worth over 100 billion RMB without a single case of problem loan. Before founding Long Term Group in 2018, Mr. Guo was the deputy general manager of Real Estate financing department of CMB Shenzhen branch, he has also worked as vice president of CMB Shenzhen Dongmen sub-branch and president of CMB Shenzhen Tairan sub-branch.
    江枫 Jiang, Feng
    bet8集团联合创始人 、董事总经理 Co-founder, Managing Director
    毕业于华南理工大学金融系 ,拥有10年商业银行经验 。曾任招商银行深圳分行罗湖公司金融部分部总经理 ,招商银行深圳新世界支行行长 ,招商银行深圳东门支行地产二部负责人 。
    Graduated from the South China University of Technology Finance Department, Mr. Jiang has 10 years of experience in commercial banking. Before co-founding Long Term Group, he was the General Manager of CMB Shenzhen Luohu sub-branch corporate finance department. He has also worked as president of CMB Shenzhen Xinshijie sub-branch, and manager of CMB Shenzhen Dongmen sub-branch Real Estate department II.
    刘明阳 Liu, Mingyang
    bet8集团联合创始人 、董事总经理 Co-founder, Managing Director
    毕业于清华大学 ,曾任职招商银行总行私人银行部、腾讯控股金融合作与政策部 ,在私募房地产基金 、集合信托计划的审核和引入以及财富管理方面经验丰富 。
    Graduated from Tsinghua University, Mr. Liu worked for Tencent Financial Cooperation and Regulation department before co-founding Long Term Group, he has also worked in the Private Banking Department of CMB Headquarters. He has comprehensive experience from his years reviewing and approving financial institutions and wealth management institutions, such as Real Estate funds, trust funds, etc.
    刘智恒 Liu, Zhiheng
    bet8集团执行董事 Executive Director
    本科 、硕士分别毕业于美国普渡大学 、纽约大学 ,曾任职于平安银行上海自贸试验区分行 、中信银行深圳分行 。加入bet8前有多年银行信贷从业经验 ,对跨境金融和信贷业务有着丰富的经验 。
    Graduated from New York University with a master’s degree and Purdue University with a bachelor’s degree, Mr. Liu worked at Ping An Bank and CITIC Bank consecutively before joining Long Term Group, he has worked extensively on cross-border transactions and corporate financing solutions. 
    唐莉 Tang, Li
    bet8集团财务总监 、会计师 Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accountant
    曾任招商银行深圳泰然支行副行长 、招商银行深圳科苑支行副行长 。二十多年的深圳招商银行财务和内控管理工作 ,为企业财务核算 、工商 、税务管理等方面积累了丰富的经验 。
    Prior to joining Long Term Group, Ms. Tang worked for CMB and was Vice President for CMB Shenzhen Keyuan Sub-branch and CMB Tairan Sub-branch consecutively. She has worked for over twenty years in internal management and bank financing, her wealth of experiences range from corporate accounting to tax solutions.